Prospects for Liberty

"The first lesson of economics is scarcity: there is never enough of anything to fully satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics" - Thomas Sowell

Location: North Dartmouth, Massachusetts, United States

I'm a sophomore at Umass Dartmouth, double majoring in Political Science and Economics.I'm a Roman Catholic and a Libertarian. Not much to say here really.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Live Blogging Begins

It is now 5:32 PM, Eastern Time. Yes, I am late.

Let the live blog commence! here is the link, again.

I'm staring the clock at 0:00:00. The movie is 75:55 long.

00:00: Hitting play button.

00:42: I like that there is a skeleton on a horse.

03:17: The IPCC is listing dissenters, who actually went so far to resign, on its "author list" for this much touted "global warming consensus"? Surprised that that is even legal.

05:15: Leftists coming together to kill third world development? What a shocker!

07:35: I like that they used Rat Pack music.

09:52: Is there any global warming response to these fluctuations? The Little Ice Age and the Medieval Warm Period are pretty common knowledge.

11:17: This reminds me of something. If global warming is man-made, it is possible that global warming activists may plunge us deeper into its jaws! After all, their suggested policies are nearly always anti-growth, and it is economic growth (see industrialization and post-war economic boom at this point in the video)_that brings about new technologies, often less pollutant technologies. Who knows, if we had had as heavily restricted markets as many warming advocates want now, we may still be using coal.

12:00: Temperatures during the post-war boom, and then grew during the recession? Using the logic of warming advocates, we ought increase our industrial activity to fight warming!

18:34: Al Gore feels that this issue is super cereal.

18:37: Google Video loads too slow, I'm switching to YouTube. Down for a few minutes while I wait for the movie to load there. Use this time to wait with baited breath.

20:48: We're back online. Now blogging the YouTube version of the film.

22:59: Apparently Co2 emissions actually lag behind rises in temperature? Thats pretty huge. How could it possibly be a cause, if that is the case? And not just by a bit. Temperature leads Co2 by a full eight hundred years. Every single ice core survey shows this to be the case, according to the film.

27:53: Staring to get interesting now. I am geniunly intrigued. This information regarding the relationship between Co2 and climate is new to me.

30:12: Ha Ha! How great that the ancients would understand the weather better than the moderns. I always love to see those guilty of chronological snobbery get zinged.

31:14: Interesting about the cosmic rays and the solar winds.

34:41: I think we all remember the "coming ice age". Ah, the doomsdays of yesteryear.

31:41: Technical difficulties. Internet going off and on.

37:17: We're back folks.

39:58: The global warming craze: Brought to you by unions, hippies, and Arab despots! Man, what a team!

41:24: The far left just kills me. Adopting ever more extreme positions just to be anti-establishment. What children.

43:33: If what he is saying here interests you, I recommend you check out something called public choice theory

50:56: Definitely true. If you live in New England, you remember that this past winter the fact that it was exceptionally warm was widely blamed by laypeople on "global warming". In actuality, it was El Nino.

54:21: Didn't know that about the glacier break up. Interesting though.

56:14: Malaria in the Soviet Union? Not something I would normally think of. Arctic mosquitoes would kick my ass though.

1:00:58: Classy kicks.

1:02:24: What they are doing to people in the third world is pretty disgusting.

1:08:01: Horrifying. I wonder how many people have unnecessarily died in order to satisfy these hippies.

1:12:01: Patrick Moore is absolutely right here. He seems like a pretty cool guy.

1:13:32: Quite a cool film. I thought it was a few hours well spent, watching, thinking, and writing about it. Will post my thoughts soon.