Prospects for Liberty

"The first lesson of economics is scarcity: there is never enough of anything to fully satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics" - Thomas Sowell

Location: North Dartmouth, Massachusetts, United States

I'm a sophomore at Umass Dartmouth, double majoring in Political Science and Economics.I'm a Roman Catholic and a Libertarian. Not much to say here really.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Dehumanizing Nature of Socialism

Hey, readers. Its been a while since I last posted, but I had to talk about this horrifying clip from the popular kid's movie, The Ant Bully

Check out the clip here

I'm sure that the left coast pinko-commies behind this scene only intended to indoctrinate children into the belief that socialism was good, capitalism bad. But in their choice of ants as the platform to convey their message, they prove far too much. Socialism is exactly what this clip mistakingly shows: Profoundly dehumanizing, devoted to the destruction of the individual and of personal liberty.

Indeed, what creatures could fit the socialist dream better than ants? They have no personalities, no thoughts, aspirations or dreams of their own. Incapable of happiness, they mindlessly serve their queen, to the point of unthinkingly marching to their death. How Stalin must have envied the ant queen!

I have previously covered here that the state is, since it lacks a price mechanism, utterly incapable of making rational economic calculations. This means much more than the mundane fact that bureaucrats will forever be clumsy and inefficient. It also means that the state will always be an inherently tyrannical structure. If the state makes the impossible attempt to tax us, and calculate for us how we would like to invest our resources, (as it so often does) than we become little more than ants, working mindlessly and endlessly, forever turning over the fruits of our labor to the queen, to use as is seen fit for the "good of the hive".

We are men, and not ants. Marxians want ants, and not men. Is it any wonder that the socialist states have always been aggressive to everything that speaks of individuals and individual aspirations? Whether it be religion, free expression of idea and speech, artwork, or simply the production of goods and services to improve the material life of the individual, socialism has tried to destroy them all. It would instead prefer that we remain poor and enslaved, ants with no thought of ourselves or our own dreams, living only to ensure the good of the "whole". Which of course really means the good of the state and its rulers.

Socialism would steal much more than our material wealth. It would steal our humanity, if we let it.


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