Prospects for Liberty

"The first lesson of economics is scarcity: there is never enough of anything to fully satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics" - Thomas Sowell

Location: North Dartmouth, Massachusetts, United States

I'm a sophomore at Umass Dartmouth, double majoring in Political Science and Economics.I'm a Roman Catholic and a Libertarian. Not much to say here really.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Site News

Finals are over, the blog is officially back.

The Bush administration's plan to "surge" troops into Iraq for a short period is absolutely ridiculous and bound to fail. The words "government" and "short-term" should absolutely never go together. What will actually happen is that troops will be sent into Iraq, and excuses will keep coming up for why they need to stay. We are there and we are staying, or we are going to cut and run. Those are our options, "surge" is not among them.

I for one, vote cut-and-run.

Rape charges, thankfully, were dropped against the Duke lacrosse team. There was absolutely no evidence that they were guilty, and much that they were innocent.

Here are two opposing articles on the issue of whether Congressman Keith Ellison should have been allowed to make his oath of office on a Qur'an, both from conservative writes.

Mike S. Adams is for it.

Dennis Prager is against it.

I personally fully support Ellison's right to swear on the Qur'an. As a convinced Roman Catholic, I would be loathe to take an oath of office on anything other than a full canon, Church-approved, Holy Bible. I would not swear on Mr. Ellison's holy book, and he ought not have to swear on mine.


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